地区 Region |
校舍建筑面积 Floor Space |
教学及辅助用房 Teaching & Assistant Buildings |
行政办公用房 Administrative |
生活用房 Residential and Welfare |
其他用房 Rooms for Other Purposes |
校舍面积中 of the Floor Space | |||||||
合计 Total |
其中: of Which: |
合计 Total |
其中: 教师办公室 of Which: for Teachers |
危房面积 Floor Space of Dilapidated Buildings |
当年新增校舍 New Added in Current Year | ||||||||
普通教室 General Classroom |
专用教室 Special Classroom |
实验室 Laboratory |
微机室 PC-room |
图书室 Library | |||||||||
广 西 Guangxi | 367524.42 | 181894.70 | 101503.99 | 64693.07 | 4913.00 | 4441.84 | 6342.80 | 27272.87 | 14693.54 | 121393.50 | 36963.35 | 1663.00 | 48151.87 |