Number of Full-time Teachers in Special Education Schools by Academic Qualifications and Professional Rank
单位:人 |
unit: person |
合计 Total |
按学历分 By Educational Attainment |
按专业技术职务分 By Professional Rank |
博士研究生 Doctoral Degree |
硕士研究生 Master's Degree |
本科毕业 Under- graduate |
专科毕业 Associate Bachelor |
高中阶段 毕业 High School Graduate |
高中阶段以 下毕业 Below High School Graduate |
正高级 Senior |
副高级 Sub-senior |
中级 Middle |
助理级 Associate |
员级 Junior |
未定职级 No-ranking |
广西 Guangxi |
2309 |
0 |
34 |
1530 |
723 |
21 |
1 |
1 |
139 |
959 |
666 |
112 |
432 | |