Condition of School Buildings in Primary Schools (Total)
单位:平方米 |
unit: m² |
地区 Region |
校舍建筑 面积 Floor Space |
教学及辅助用房 Buildings for Instruction and Ancillary Uses |
行政办公用房 Administrative |
生活用房 Residential and Welfare |
其他用房 Rooms for Other Purposes |
教室 Classroom |
专用教室 Professional Classroom |
公共教学用房 Public Teaching Space |
教师办公室 for Teachers |
其他 Others |
教工值班宿舍 Dormitories for Faculty |
教师周转宿舍 Accommodation for Circulation of Teachers |
学生宿舍 Students' Dormitories |
学生餐厅 Students' Canteen |
厕所 Toilets |
其他 Others |
理化生实验室 Physical and Chemical Biology Laboratory |
其他 Others |
图书阅览室 Library |
室内体育用房 Gymnasium |
心理辅导室 Psychological Counseling Room |
其他 Others |
广西 Guangxi |
43549985.22 |
25967070.98 |
20864645.34 |
2150547.68 |
13653.73 |
2136893.95 |
2951877.96 |
1132014.15 |
543380.20 |
168544.85 |
1107938.76 |
2281954.46 |
1795485.69 |
486468.77 |
12740502.28 |
1684669.67 |
2648032.28 |
3214143.33 |
2107442.95 |
1734485.39 |
1351728.66 |
2560457.50 | |